If you happen to run a household which has a tight budget, you might face urgent cash requirements to pay certain bills, and then it's the right reason to go for First America cash advance. You might have to pay unexpectedly high utility bills or you might need money for medical emergencies, travel or other unavoidable events. When your payday is still a few days away and you can't ignore these expenses, then it's wiser to take a cash advance America and meet all those financial requirements.
Minimum Qualification Required:
The bad credit cash advance America is not only fast to get but also is easily attainable as the minimum criteria for eligibility is so simple:
You must be a citizen of United States of America and must have attained the age of 18 at the time of applying.
You must be in your current job for at least past 3 months.
Your monthly salary must be at least $1000.
You must hold a bank account in your name.
Most employed people would qualify for the first America cash advance.
The duration of these cash advances are very small, one or two weeks. The loan amount is also small, $100 to $1500. Thus the loan company would only be interested in your current job and salary, so that you are able to repay the America cash advance loans on your salary day.
The Cost Of These Payday Loans:
A flat fee for every hundred dollars is charged on the First America cash advance. This fee varies from company to company, in most of the cases you will have to pay $10 to $15 for every hundred dollars you borrow, per week. This means if you borrow $100 for two weeks, you might have to pay $20 to $30 as fees of the Ace America cash advance.
This amount looks small, but it can get quite high if you are not careful about the repayment dates. You can say it is a fee for the quick disbursal and no paper-work facility provided by these payday loans. Your objective should be to take the first America cash advance only in case of emergency, for the minimum period possible and repay it as soon as possible, that is, on your salary day. In this way, you will reap the benefits of this quick money loan and also end up paying the minimum fee for this amazing service. The First America cash advance is designed to bail you out of crisis, urgent money requirements, thus making life a little easier for you.
Easy approval payday loan is the quick solution for your financial problems that require a few hundred dollars only. These payday loans are easily accessible and are a hassle free way to manage your money problems in a short-term basis. Easy payday loan should be taken only when you do not have other source of cash because these loans are quite expensive.
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