Monday, July 11, 2011

An Insider Reviews The Market America Business And The Market America Business Plan (Part 1 of 2)

If you're a spiritual person or someone that's read about universal principles, Metaphysics or follow the teachings of Dr. Wayne Dyer... you'll understand what he is alluding to when he says, "Thoughts become things." As for JR and Loren Ridigner, the founders of Market America (MA), their thoughts were gigantic!

When starting the Market America Business and formulating the Market America business plan, JR wanted to correct many of the flaws with traditional business, network marketing and MLM. Because "what is working now" will be evolve, JR realized that there has been substantial time to sift through the numbers, trends and conventional business building tactics, which left him to lead this paradigm shift.

When constructing the MA business plan, JR's concerns were vast, but he felt that every company designed their company's blueprint around unrealistic expectations for what people were actually doing. Did you realize that statistics provided from the direct selling industry indicate that the average company distributor can effectively work and manage with 2.8 distribution channels?

Right then-in-there is a major mishap for most companies. Can you see how MLM companies that require you to build 5 distribution channels (legs) are setting you up for massive failure from the get-go?

JR off-set this variable by making the MA business plan and compensation model centered on a vertical structure. Although binary marketing has become increasingly popular over the years, the Market America business is classified as offering a binomial expansion program (not just a binary layout).

This unique positioning sees a Market America UnFranchiseR owner needing to only build 2 distribution channels like any binary program, but there are some dramatic differences from Market America and other Binary type compensation plans. I'm going to share A MOST REVOLUTIONARY tweak that no other compensation plan in any industry can offer you. I did just say any industry by-the-way!

The tweak is that many people say that the MA business plan is capped. First off, if somebody says this... run as fast as you can. They are trying to sell you their reality because this is simply 100% false. If you want to understand both the math and logic of the pay plan and structural model, ask a qualified Market America UnFranchiseR insider because they know the fancies that exist.

Truth be told, they know how MA works and how MA is constructed to off-set the woes of horizontal marketing. Horizontal marketing is how EVERY OTHER BUSINESS MODEL operates. This concept of horizontal marketing is simple to understand. If you owned a mom-and-pop business and wanted to open up location #2, would location #2 help location #1 in any way? No... they compete!

And if you owned a business that had various sales people working in a "team", would sales person #1 help sales person #2 in any way? No... they also compete. I'll provide anecdotal evidence. If you owned a real estate, financial brokerage or personal training studio, would the production of sales person #1, #2, #3, #4 or even sales person #100 help anybody else in any way? No... there is no financial synergy.

And finally, I'll use a last and more elaborate example. If you owned a chain of franchises, would location #1 benefit #2 in any way? No... once again, they're in completion and share no synergy in any way.

In fact, location #2 would cannibalize and compartmentalize every facet of location #1. Whether it the overhead or carrying costs... the sales and over-riding revenue of each independent location does not better the bottom line of the other in any way. People don't realize what they are getting into in business.

And the worst of all of these models is multi-level marketing (MLM) because it compounds the negative effects of horizontal marketing. Although I'm a fan of the industry, company reps need to wake up and get educated because after the up-front recruiting bonuses, they've bought into a roller-coaster ride.

To learn more about formulating a most profitable and stable marketing plan for yourself while learning about the Market America business and the Market America Business Plan, visit our blog or subscribe to my Insiders' Club Report. Although there are over 200,000 UnFranchiseR owners, there is not one that can explain the fancies of how to maximize and build the Market America Business and explode the Market America business plan like our team in today's online based economy. Epic growth is occurring.

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