America, the Queen of the nations, was beautiful! Nations are referred to in the female gender for a very good reason. They are like beautiful women. A healthy national spirit exists firmly in Christ-centered, Bible-based relationships, partnerships and fellowships. America was destined to be the envy of the nations as she walked humbly with her God. To preserve society, there must be a delegated order of command with checks and balances. Our Ten-Commandments-based Constitutional law system establishes these principles of checks and balances. Her social structure has been based upon a solid moral and spiritual foundation of just laws and respect for the True and Living God. God has abundantly blessed America as she has blessed Him. People have come from the "ends of the earth" to experience the "American dream." America has been an example of the glory that comes to a nation when she is "under God with liberty and justice for all." America has truly been the "beautiful Queen" among the nations.
I believe America is worth saving from her enemies. She has been dragged through the mud long enough. The remainder of this article is a graphic description of the nature of a few radical extremists who are trashing our nation's moral and spiritual roots and what we can do to protect ourselves against their tyrannical attacks on us.
A few mean-spirited radical extremists are trashing America's greatness! Pity any nation that is infested with these radical extremist parasites. These radical extremists are illogical, self-serving reprobates who are driven by an inordinate compulsion to mold us in their self-serving ungodly image. They are ravaging wolves in sheep's clothing. You cannot tame them, shame them or blame them. If you attempt to do so, you will expose yourself to their verbal and physical abuse. They are like wild, "foaming at the mouth," beasts prowling about looking for something or someone to devour. They are restless, ruthless, blind guides who have nothing more to do than to harass those who do not bow down to their extreme demands. They have organized themselves against the Lord and His Christ. These radical extremists have ruined America's Bible-based educational institutions, governments, defense organizations, finances and churches through plunder, deception, bribery, murder, and duress. They have intentionally corrupted our youth, weakened our military, driven our businesses to China and hijacked our God-given moral and spiritual foundations. God save America!
America is being systematically trashed by these tyrants! People, like those described above, who destroy a nation's God-given rights so they can "lord it over" its people are called tyrants. When a nation is "raped" it is forced by "plunder, deception, and duress" to do things that are not right. Many nations in our world are being "raped" in this matter. Their governmental "ruling elites" are forcing them to participate in things against their will. This has brought untold pain and shame to multitudes of people who are unable to defend themselves against these tyrants' brutal attacks aimed at their God-given rights. America is no exception. At this very moment, there is a well-organized attempt by these radicals to force America to "fornicate" with those who hate her. These people appear to be more interested in making "laws" to protect special interest groups that are against our God-given value system than protecting our constitutional rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." A good example of this is, how these radical extremists have been trying for years to force their "hate crime" and "health care" laws on us. They finally weaseled their "hate crime" law through. Those who are harassing America's God and trampling over her God-given constitutional rights are dragging her down the road to destruction. Her beauty is being morphed into ashes right before our eyes by those who are avowed enemies of her Christ-centered way of life.
Protecting yourself from these radical extremists is doable! The sad thing is, many people in America are unaware of what is happening. They do not understand that many of our national leaders are following their own agendas rather than representing "we the people." The actions of these tyrannical radical extremists are causing a large amount of unnecessary stress on the American people. The following suggested actions list will enable you to defend yourself and those around you against their treasonous tyranny. Do the following:
1. Stay out of "dark, excluded areas." Surround yourself with good and godly people. The best way to combat lies is to know the truth. Jesus tells us, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." To find the truth you need to form study groups to learn about your Bible-based national roots, constitutional laws, financial system and Republican form of government. Also, form moral and spiritual support groups to empower you to follow the enlightening guidelines found in your Bible.
2. Walk humbly with the God of the universe. Let the Lord Jesus Christ be your Saviour and Lord. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Stay close to God's people.
3. Do not be pressured into going against your conscience. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of how many "laws" are made to the contrary.
4. Protect your family and neighbors against these wicked people who are highly organized into a strong force against God and His Word. Remember this is a spiritual battle between good and evil. Do not give up your defense weapons. Home school your children. Get out of debt as quickly as you can.
5. Be law-abiding citizens that are governed by the laws found in your national documents and your Bible.
6. Use nonviolent means to resist these radical extremist parasites.
7. "Do not play with the wild beast." Keep a safe distance between you and these "lions."
8. If you are being "raped" by tyrants, trust God to deliver you from their assaults.
9. Do not blame yourself for being "raped" by these untamed radical extremists.
10. Never surrender to the enemy. Make every attempt to help yourself and others to escape from these mischievous cowards who are warring against your national liberties.
11. Keep your head up and your heart right with God and others.
12. Do not allow bitterness, shame, fear or guilt to motivate your actions and attitudes. Let the fruit of the Holy Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-26 motivate your actions and attitudes. Love and pray for your enemies. America bless God! God has blessed America!
Howard Eugene Wright's book called, "Deceitful Masters" is a good choice to enable you to recover from these mean-spirited radical extremists' assaults. When the Ruling Elite's promise of a genuine change short-changes you, this book will show you how to change your despair into a changeless hope in your ever-changing world. The rest is in your hands! You can get your hands on a copy of his book at his website.
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